Fellowship Finder

Connect, Seek, Grow

This fellowship finder is sustained by 119 Ministries. Please read the following information before using it.

Are you trying to find like-minded believers for fellowship and Biblical (Torah) study? Zoom in and out to locate your area. Select the push pins to view contact information for those that you are interested in connecting with. Reach out to others to join them in pursuing the Ancient Path.

Would you like to allow others to find you? Complete this form to assist others in your area to find you for fellowship and Biblical (Torah) study. Minimally the form requires your city, state, country, and e-mail address, thus maintaining your privacy. You have the option of also including more detailed information, such as your name, website address, nearby cross streets/mailing address, phone number, Bible Study times, etc.

CAUTION: We do not necessarily endorse or know the beliefs of every individual or group on the Fellowship Finder map. Just because someone claims to be pursuing truth does not mean that they are necessarily compatible with your beliefs. Please proceed with caution and discernment.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please do NOT use the contact information on this Fellowship Finder for any other purpose beyond fellowship with those living near you or where you are traveling. Solicitation (selling, begging, promoting, etc) is not permitted and those on the map may report to 119 Ministries if anyone attempts to solicit. If anyone represents themselves as 119 Ministries report that to 119 ministries and the authorities may be called.

CLICK HERE to read the full 119 Ministries Privacy Policy.

I will surely assemble all of you, O Jacob, I will surely gather the remnant of Israel; I will put them together like sheep of the fold, Like a flock in the midst of their pasture; They shall make a loud noise because of so many people." - Micah 2:12